We manufacture all our products in our highly automated, modern factory under thorough internal quality control. An essential part of our quality control is the tensile tests on welded seams that are realised daily using calibrated measuring instruments. In addition, Emeca has signed a running agreement of quality control with Eurofins Expert Services.

Products already delivered to the client, and the materials from which they are made, can be traced as required based on the batch numbering.

We carry out the welding work in accordance with the requirements of the standard EN ISO 17760-1:2006. Our raw material suppliers are carefully selected, and our products are manufactured of high-quality steel with material certification.

Emeca products obviously represent Finnish top quality!


In our product development, in addition to finding new technical solutions, we aim to save natural resources, including energy and raw materials. We neither paint our products, nor use in them chemicals that are hazardous to the environment. No hazardous waste is created in the manufacturing process, material waste is minimised, and any wasted material will be reused. The Eco-Pack emballage developed by us considerably reduces the usage of packing material.

In 2009 Emeca Oy received the Inno Finland distinction, with material and energy efficiency being the main criteria for the award.